Project nr: VPP-COVID-2020/1-0004

Project type: Mitigation of COVID-19 effects.

Project manager: Riga Technical university, Dr. Sc. Ing. Talis Juhna (RTU)

Cooperation partners: Rezekne academy of technology; University of Latvia, Institute of Electronics and Computer Science, Latvian institute of Organic synthesis; Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia; Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre; Riga Stradins university; Latvian institute of Wood Chemistry.

Project manager from Institute of Solid State Physics: Acad. Dr.habil.phys Jūris Purāns

Total project funding: 497 580.00 EUR

Institute of Solid State Physics funding: 37 000 EUR


The Institute of Solid State Physics, together with other institutions, participates in the implementation of the project, which is related to the solution of problems related to COVID-19. The overall goal of the project is to provide medical institutions with up-to-date information and technologies that will help reduce the risk of infection and reduce the workload of medical staff.

Within the framework of the project, the Institute of Solid State Physics study the anti-microbial effect of different types of WO3-x, WO3-x:Cu, Cu, WO3-x/Cu/WO3-x thin coatings, as well as the possibilities of improving the chemical and mechanical strength of these coatings.

Magnetron sputtering technology is used to obtain coatings. Variation of process parameters provides an opportunity to obtain coatings with different physical-chemical properties, and to variate chemical composition.

Obtained coatings ability to transmit visible light provides the possibility to use coatings on protective screens, contact surfaces, and in protective suits visors. The possibilities of practical application of the developing prototype correspond to the project goals.

Project implementation process:

At the beginning of 09.2020, the first batch of samples was tested, anti-microbial activity was observed for several coating types, also physical-chemical properties were tested.

Based on the previously collected data, a second batch of test samples was prepared.

