Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-Sen University and University of Latvia have had successful scientific cooperation for years. The professors of the joint team decided to form a research center on physics between Taiwan and the Baltic States. The center was named Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center on Physics (TBRCP) and had its grand opening on the 12th of March, 2020 at the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL).
TBRCP aim is to promote educational exchange and research collaboration, specializing in solid state physics, material sciences and optical materials.
The Center’s functions include:
- exchange visits for students and professors;
- the use of equipment for research activities;
- mutual educational seminars on the latest methods and research results
The opening of the Center is the first step towards new international projects and discoveries.

Fourth Bilateral Scientific Workshop (Latvia-Taiwan) 2022

Dinner at the official residence of Taipei Mission Representative
Zinātņu nozares
Coordinator of TBCRP from Taiwan | Coordinator of TBCRP from Latvia |