Name of the project: „ Studies in vision overload physiology and development of vision stress diagnostic methodology”

Agreement No 2013/0021/1DP/

UL registration No ESS2013/141

Project duration: November 1, 2013 – August 31, 2015.

Total financing of the project: EUR 497862.85

Project’s scientific supervisor: associate professor Gunta Krūmiņa

Project’s administrative supervisor: Laureta Buševica

Cooperation partner of the project – UL agency "Institute of Solid State Physics, UL”

Overall aim of the project:

The aim of the project is to establish a new interdisciplinary scientific group for vision studies in the biomedical sub-sector which, in addition, will involve competent young scientists and a foreign scientist from different sectors in the research work. 

Specific objective of the project:

The specific objective of the project is to conduct a study on the cause-effect relationship in cases of visual overload by developing a new diagnostic tool for assessing visual stress during visual information processing, using innovative materials and technologies in the biomedical industry to control visual overload and increase human efficiency when working with displays.

The project and the study corresponds with public health, biomedicine technologies and material science sectors.

The activities implemented within the framework of the project are not of an economic nature, because according to the Cabinet of Ministers Section 3.1. of the Regulation No 752, the project meets the following criteria:

1) Carry our core activity – scientific activities and spreading the information about the results of scientific activities in the form of knowledge and technology transfer;

2) Remuneration, generated by these core activities, shall be reinvested in core activities.

Project location: University of Latvia, Department of Optometry and Vision Science.