With ISSP UL's new ERA-Chair Dr. Smagul Karazhanov

This month's Scientists' breakfast will be held in Latvian


Oktobra Zinātnieku brokastīs (27.10., 10:00) esam aicinājuši Dr. Smagul Karazhanov, kurš institūtā uzsāks darbu, vadot nesen apstiprināto ERA-Chair projektu. Brokastu laikā Dr. Smagul  Karazhanov pastāstīs vairāk par sevi, savu pieredzi un plānotajām aktivitātēm Cietvielu Fizikas institūtā projekta ietvaros.


Vairāk informācijas par Dr. Smagul  Karazhanov:



Īpaši aicinām Zinātnieku brokastis apmeklēt tiem, kas interesējas par šāda veida projektu rakstīšanu, kā arī, protams, Plāno kārtiņu laboratorijas darbiniekus.


Zinātnieku brokastis notiks klātienē – institūta virtuvē 4. stāvā.

Tiešsaistes pieslēgšanās nebūs iespējama!


Neliela informācija par ERA-Chair projektu:

Smart windows for zero energy buildings (SWEB) will rely on a variety of innovative smart windows (SW) solutions and products to meet the market growth potential and address the global environmental challenges faced by the EU to achieve and sustain zero energy buildings market. We propose the development of non-toxic, abundant, long-term functional SW materials (photochromic, thermochromic, electrochromic, transparent conducting), implemented in parallel with cost-effective, robust, and industrially scalable technologies for fabrication of low-cost thin-film SW and chromogenic devices with flexibility in design, such as photochromic, thermochromic, electrochromic and self-powered SW – the basis for zero energy buildings in smart cities. SWEB aims to recruit members of the ERA-Chair team that will bring complementary knowledge to the existing core team, thereby enhancing scientific excellence, increasing visibility, and bridging the gap between research to technology transfer. This will positively contribute to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals, European targets for Clean Energy for all Europeans, the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Latvia, and contribute to the European Research Area. The short-term aim is to create a functional ERA Chair team that can implement the strategies defined in the scope of the ERA Chair, and ensure sustainability after the end of the project. The long-term goal of the SWEB is to strengthen the Thin Films Laboratory and the Institute of Solid State Physics in achieving high scientific and innovation results and enhance stakeholders’ networks. With the support of the ERA Chair, ISSP is planning to establish the Briefing Demo Centre for renewable energy in Latvia as well as the EU joint graduate school on SW and zero energy buildings. Completion of these tasks will contribute to the EU becoming a climate neutrality flagship. The main task of the ERA Chair is to converge R&D&I, stakeholders, policymakers, and society.