On December 11 at 14:00 at the conference room on the 2nd floor of the ISSP UL, Kengaraga street 8, Dr.phys. Andris Antuzevics (ISSP UL) will give a talk entitled “New horizons of EPR spectroscopy at ISSP UL”.

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is a spectroscopic technique for the detection and characterization of paramagnetic centres in different materials. As of June, 2019 the EPR spectrometer at ISSP UL has been upgraded to Bruker ELEXSYS-II E500 CW system, which enables:

  • variable temperature (4 K – room temperature) X-band (≈ 9 GHz) CW-EPR experiments;
  • variable temperature (4 K – room temperature) Q-band (≈ 34 GHz) CW-EPR experiments;
  • variable temperature (4 K – room temperature) X-band (≈ 9 GHz) CW-ENDOR experiments.

During the seminar general aspects of EPR spectroscopy will be explained with a focus on applications relevant to the solid state. The audience will be introduced to possibilities the new system offers, sample requirements for EPR measurements as well as guidelines for performing the measurements.

Latvian Council of Science, project “Novel transparent nanocomposite oxyfluoride materials for optical applications”, project No. LZP-2018/1-0335, is gratefully acknowledged.
