The 2017 COST “Towards oxide-based electronics” fall meeting was held in Riga, Latvia from September 11 to 13, where was attending scientists from 23 countries. It was 7th TO-BE action annual meeting.

At the meeting researchers who working in the field of technology of transition-metal oxides based materials and their application were able see the correct situation and define future strategies in this field. The conference was divided into three themes
  1. Fundamental Understanding of oxides for electronics: Theory and Experiments
  2. Oxides Growth and Fabrication Methods
  3. Oxide-based applications and devices
At the COST TO-BE meeting were presented 13 invited oral talks, 24 oral talks and more then 50 stand reports. The next TO-BE action meeting will be held in March 2018 in Barcelona, Spain and it will be the last one. Several photos of the meeting can be found here.
